Lowering the Bar? Nope, Just Being Kind to Ourselves

So, you've heard me say, "Hey, maybe we should lower our expectations of ourselves a bit," and immediately thought, "Ah, so we're just giving up now? Cool, cool."

Here’s the deal: lowering your expectations doesn’t mean you’re throwing in the towel. It’s not about giving up on growth; it’s about not being so hard on yourself.

Think of it as upgrading your inner dialogue from a drill sergeant to a supportive coach.

Self-acceptance is like realizing you're not a superhero—and that’s totally fine. It’s about seeing yourself, complete with your not-so-super powers and occasional tripping over your cape, and still thinking, “You know what? I’m pretty awesome.”

It’s giving yourself a high-five, even when you miss the mark, because hey, at least you tried.

Adjusting those sky-high expectations you set for yourself is like saying, “It’s okay to be a work in progress.” It’s about the growth that comes from wanting to be better for yourself, not because you feel less than others.

Plus, it takes the sting out of messing up. Suddenly, mistakes are just part of the adventure, not the end of the world.

So, what am I asking you to do?

Start by being a little nicer to yourself. Recognize that you’re doing your best, and that’s something worth celebrating. Sure, you’re not perfect, but let's be real: who is?

Lowering your expectations is not about settling; it’s about setting yourself up for a journey that’s a bit more forgiving and a lot more enjoyable.

It’s about making peace with being perfectly imperfect.

Keep on keeping on, and remember, a little self-kindness goes a long way. You’ve got this, and I’m right here, rooting for you—with a bit of humor and a whole lot of support.

Stay awesome and I'll catch you on the next one,

Casey Jourdan

Understand your neurodivergent brain

& build a balanced burnout-resistant life.

PS: Be on the lookout 👀

➡️ February 22nd, I'm hosting a free workshop about mood-matching routines so you can stick to those routines you've been creating and craving.

➡️ March will be a 21-day self-care challenge, including tips for self-care that you'll actually want to do and body-doubling sessions to help you create the time and space to stick with it.

Details for both of these will be dropping into your inbox soon!

Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 10221 Krause Rd, Unit 1301, Chesterfield , VA 23832

Hi! I'm Casey

Learn to show up unapologetically and authentically. With a Masters in mental health counseling and personal experience with multiple flavors of neurodiversity, I know the importance of being intentional and leaning into growth. My mission is to help neurodivergent individuals heal their past, reframe their present, and find their new path forward. If you're ready to take the road less traveled to build your best life, I'm here to help.

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